The Under-the-Step Mess
Hello, it is Keri again from Living In This Season– thank you for letting me help with another messy situation today!
“As you can see, we have a variety of food items, appliances/coolers, baby items not in use, and other random things. Between a bookcase, shelving under the stairs, and a substantial free space between our chest freezer and a cabinet of Christmas things, we do have a fair amount of space for everything, but I have not figured out what works in a lovely manner!” – Annie
Dilemma 1: Canned Goods
Question 1: “Would you recommend moving the canned and dry goods to the shelves at the bottom of the stairs in a neat and orderly presentation?”
Solution 1: I do think they would look nice on the shelves next to your Christmas cabinet. Work on this project by itself. Move the canned and dry goods so they are sorted in groups. For example, all of the beans together, corn, etc. This way you can easily see what you have in stock.
Dilemma 2: Baby Items
Question 2: “We have maxed out our toddler’s closet upstairs for baby items; is there a better way of stacking, disguising, or otherwise keeping things out of sight until March and our new baby?”
Solution 2: If there are any items that will fit into plastic storage containers, I am always a fan of using those and labeling them. Some of the larger items could be stacked neatly. Anything that can fit on a shelf, I would put neatly on a shelf and designate that area for baby items.
Dilemma 3: DIY Storage
Question 3: “Are there any DIY storage solutions we could add to these areas? I have more time than money and would be happy to experiment a bit!”
Solution 3: You really are doing a great job! The plastic shoe box size containers are always something I love and usually can be found at Wal-Mart for under a dollar. A simple project is you can turn a cardboard or diaper box into a lovely storage box to slide onto a shelve. They can be covered with contact paper, wrapping paper, fabric, etc. Positively Splendid has a wonderful post about how to do this. You can also use a tension rod and fabric to make curtains for hiding some of the items.
Extra Encouragement
As you sort things, do a little bit at a time. Sometimes we can tackle so much and get so frustrated! I usually have a pile for throw away, one for donate, and one of things to move to a different location. This helps keep me focused as I organize. As you organize be honest with yourself. Do you really need the item? Do you really need a certain number of an item? Can you eliminate some of the stuff? These questions help us to really evaluate our stuff as we sort it.
Remember to keep similar items together. If the cabinet has all your Christmas items together, keep them all together- keep the canned goods together, etc.
Thank you, Davonne, for letting me share again! To read more of my organizational ideas, go here.
PS Go here to see how to get your own FREE personalized organization advice – fun rewards and freebies are available to those who submit messes by October 30th!
About today’s organizational expert
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