Say Yes to the Best
“The key is not in spending time, but in investing it.” Stephen R. Covey
On Day 13 of 28 Days to Timeliness, I discussed filling our time with things that really matter, and not allowing things that don’t have lasting value take over our schedules.
Sometimes I need to step back and heed my own advice. Lately I’ve been busy, overwhelmed, overly tired, and not spending very much quality time with my children (the last one is difficult for me to admit).
Then I read a wonderful reminder. In Day 15 of 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life, Crystal Paine says to, “Say yes to the best.” She tells her readers that when we say yes to one thing, we’re saying no to another. Crystal goes on to suggest that we stop saying yes to good things so we can start saying yes to the best things.
That is great advice.
I’ve been saying yes to so many good things that I’ve been neglecting the best. As much as I enjoy the good things in my life, they’re not the most important things, so I am pulling back. I’m finding replacements, I’m handing off work, and I’m striving to start saying yes to the best a little more often.
Nurturing relationships is so much more important than doing extra activities.
What advice do you have for me as I re-prioritize?
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