June’s Bible Reading Schedule
Month six of daily Bible reading is one of my favorites! We get to park it in Psalms – the longest book of the Bible – for the entire month, and by the end of the month, we’ll be halfway through the reading plan!
I absolutely love the book of Psalms. A wise woman once told me that she reads from her Bible every day, and if she’s having a hard day she just pauses whatever else she’s reading to read some from Psalms. I’ve followed suit by pausing my own reading plans or studies to focus on Psalms when needed and it helps so much!
If you’ve not participated in daily Bible reading yet, this is a great month to dive right in!
June 1: Psalms 42-44
June 2: Psalms 45-47
June 3: Psalms 48-50
June 4: Psalms 51-53
June 5: Psalms 54-56
June 6: Psalms 57-59
June 7: Psalms 60-62
June 8: Psalms 63-65
June 9: Psalms 66-68
June 10: Psalms 69-71
June 11: Psalms 72-74
June 12: Psalms 75-77
June 13: Psalms 78-80
June 14: Psalms 81-83
June 15: Psalms 84-87
June 16: Psalms 88-91
June 17: Psalms 92-95
June 18: Psalms 96-98
June 19: Psalms 99-102
June 20: Psalms 103-106
June 21: Psalms 107-110
June 22: Psalms 111-115
June 23: Psalms 116-118
June 24: Psalms 119
June 25: Psalms 120-124
June 26: Psalms 125-128
June 27: Psalms 129-132
June 28: Psalms 133-137
June 29: Psalms 138-140
June 30: Psalms 141-143

The most important thing to remember is that you are never, ever behind. Lists and schedules are here to serve us, not the other way around. Just keep making progress, even if it’s not as quickly as you’d hoped!
If you want to know how to simplify your Bible time so you can succeed at reaching your reading & study goals without feeling stressed out, behind, or like it’s just one more thing to check off your to-do list, definitely check out this post for tips, links, and simple resources to help you out!
I’d love to hear: How are you doing with your Bible reading/study goals?
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