How to Stop Feeling Behind
I used to often say things like, “I’m so behind on life” or “If I could just get caught up, this would be so much easier to maintain.”
It was a vicious cycle – I’d feel a little behind, then get overwhelmed about feeling behind so I’d put the task off a little longer, only by then the task was bigger so I’d put it off again, and before I knew it a small job had turned into a huge project!
I’ve since learned a great trick to not feeling behind all the time:
I simply decide that I’m not behind.
The baby book that I have yet to complete for my almost four year old? That’s not even on my schedule yet! I’m saving it for a rainy day this fall. Or next fall. Or the autumn after that…
Folders of pictures on my computer? Those aren’t on my list at all because I have a new great and simple plan for my photos!
I also decided jobs that won’t become more time-consuming when they’re not done regularly (like washing the car, mopping, dusting, etc.) can be done less frequently than what I should probably announce on the Internet.
Deciding that I’m not behind doesn’t give me an excuse to never do anything – it just keeps me from feeling overwhelmed about thinking I need to do everything at the same time.
I think it’s important to do our best, but we also need to give ourselves grace when our best isn’t perfect.
So go ahead. Take something off your list by moving it to later, doing it less frequently, or deciding it doesn’t need done at all.
Don’t try to play catch-up – just start fresh where you are and choose to be perfectly okay with that.
Make Your Home a Haven

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