Housekeeping Tip #7: Bring Your Basket
The sun slowly lowered, casting a glow on the trees. The crowd stood shoulder-to-shoulder, crammed together as they hung on every word. There was nothing fancy or attractive about the speaker, but the message He offered was enthralling.
And then, there were whispers of sending them home. At a late hour, empty bellies. Their spirits deflated.
But, wait!
The voice was direct, “You give them something to eat.” Did they hear correctly? They held their breath as they strained to listen to the response. And there it was again – instruction to gather what they could.
Somehow, it was enough. 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish filled 5,000 men, plus the women and children. And 12 baskets of food remained!
{Scripture References: Isaiah 53:2-5; Mark 6:34-43; Matthew 14:19-21}
Friend, I’ve mentioned before that Sarah Mackenzie’s book Teaching from Rest has challenged and transformed me in ways that nothing other than the gospel ever has.
One of my biggest takeaways from Teaching from Rest is the concept of bringing our baskets. In this section Sarah says:
Just like the disciples, I see this huge throng of people to feed – this seeming impossibility. The shaping of souls and raising of children, the mopping of floors, washing of dishes, bandaging of scraped knees and hearts and worries, the teaching and admonishing and loving and doling out of myself. It’s all too much…
But I have my little basket. I can read aloud pretty well. I’m good at organizing things on paper. I can make a decent pot of chili and I know how to push a vacuum. I love my children with all of my being… It’s just a couple loaves of bread and a few fish.
Apparently, that’s all He needs…
If you are being asked to feed a multitude with a tiny basket of loaves and fish, then bring your basket. He starts with that. Just like the crowd in the wilderness, which had been faithfully following Jesus for days, sitting at His feet, savoring His words, seeking Him earnestly, we do the same. We bring our basket – whatever talents, skills, abilities we have – and we seek Him with everything we are…
Surrender everything. Bring your loaves and your fish, even if you think them completely insufficient. They are insufficient. You are insufficient. But His grace is not. God is not limited by objective reality.
– Sarah Mackenzie, Teaching from Rest
Sarah also reminds readers that Jesus didn’t work with nothing – He had the disciples bring what they had before He performed the miracle. He also desires for us to use our own baskets in loving service to Him.
And before you decide that your own offering is too small, I want to assure you it’s not. You have something beautiful to offer to your home and your family.
I’d like to pray for you.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for giving each of us unique skills and interests. Please help my friend to see what she can bring before You. Help her to rest in You as she prioritizes her life so she can thrive in the season You’ve placed her in. Show her what her basket holds and guide her heart so she can use her creativity well.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
While you’re scrubbing toilets, washing dishes, or bandaging scraped knees, think about your own basket. What do you love doing that you’re naturally good at? And how can you use your basket to bring life and light into your home?
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