5 Homeschool Mom Books that Will Help You Slow Down, Savor Your Kids, and Rediscover Your Love of Homeschooling
Friends, I am currently writing a series about filling our cups. Because when we run on fumes, then our homes, our children, our relationships, our jobs… they all suffer. And today’s post is especially for helping the homeschool mamas fill their cups; I created a list of books that I personally have read and found very encouraging in my own homeschool walk.
So whether you are a homeschool mom, you know a homeschool mom, or you’re just curious about what homeschool moms like to read, take a look at this list and choose one that seems like it will meet you where you currently are.
If you’re not a homeschool mom, your turn is coming – I created a book list that will knock your socks off. It’s all about filling your cup so you can nurture your soul, and it’s coming next Monday! I am so excited to share it with you!
5 Homeschool Mom Books that Will Help You Slow Down, Savor Your Kids, and Rediscover Your Love of Homeschooling:
Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace by Sarah Mackenzie
When I was first introduced to the concept of teaching from rest, I literally laughed out loud and exclaimed, “Teaching from rest?! What does that even mean?!” The book sounded too good to be true – like one of those get rich quick schemes or a fad diet that’s guaranteed to give you abs of steel in 14 days or less. But I was intrigued, so I snagged a copy anyways, thinking it couldn’t hurt.
I am so glad I gave Sarah Mackenzie a chance to explain herself! Never before have I been so blown away and challenged by a book that isn’t pure gospel. Teaching from Rest is absolutely transforming my homeschool in huge ways.
From considering whose “well done” we’re working for, to making sure our curriculum serves us (instead of the other way around), to bringing our own skills and interests to the table, I’m so challenged by the eye-opening concepts offered in this book that I am currently hosting a Teaching from Rest summer book club on my back porch.
I wish I could get a copy into the hands of every homeschool mom out there because I believe we would all benefit from absorbing the life-giving truths that Sarah Mackenzie offers in this highly-influential must-read homeschool book of the year.
You can purchase the eBook, buy a complete bundle, or watch Sarah’s FREE online book club videos. I’ve gained so much insight from working through the companion journal so I recommend treating yourself to a bundle. {Bonus: The bundle is on sale for a limited time!}
Go Fly a Kite: Ten Simple Strategies for Success in Your Homeschool by Karen Costello
This book may be the best kept secret in the homeschool circuit. But it’s time to let the cat out of the bag, because this is a goodie that you’ll want to highlight and refer to over and over again on your homeschool journey. Because while there is no “one size fits all” formula to guarantee success, there are certain elements which should be included in every home education process.
Incorporating the ten simple strategies discussed in Go Fly a Kite will enable you to reach heights you can only imagine-these ten verbs will challenge you to venture into the not-so-scary unknown and propel you forward into God’s great plan so you can soar like a kite!
Called Home: Finding Joy in Letting God Lead Your Homeschool by Karen DeBeus
Maybe you are just starting out, or maybe you have been doing this awhile. Either way, there is most likely some amount of fear. Fear of the major responsibility that homeschooling is, or fear that you aren’t doing it “right.”Perhaps you are tired. Burnt out. Running on empty. Maybe you are up to your eyeballs in curriculum catalogs, reviews, planners, highlighters, label makers, and resources. Meanwhile the laundry calls, the dishes pile up, and the kids are tired. You are tired. You are trying to decide how on earth you are going to do it all. Or maybe you just are ready to throw in the towel altogether.
Well, take a deep breath. Relax. The One who created the universe in a breath, the One who called you to this journey, is in control.
Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe by Todd Wilson
Parts of this book are laugh-out-loud hilarious as we’re forced to notice the absurdity of our own inner crazy-talk when we see ourselves through a man’s eyes. If you want a lighter, quick read that will help you to be kind to yourself, this is definitely the book for you.
The Homeschool Mom’s Bible with Daily Devotionals written by Janet Tatman (Available in NIV & KJV)
Put this one on your wish list because it is the absolute perfect daily reading Bible. Here’s how it works: There are 365 Daily Devotions directly in this Bible, one every few pages. Start on whatever date you receive your copy, read that day’s devotional, then read about 1-3 Bible pages leading up to the next devotional and mark your spot with the included ribbon.
After a year, you will have read through the entire Bible! I love that you don’t have to spend your Bible time thinking about what to read next – just open and immediately delve into God’s Word.
My own copy was gifted to me by a friend (two friends actually, so I have both versions!), and I’m currently reading through the NIV Bible at a rapid pace, devouring God’s word in a way that I simply didn’t have time for when my schedule was overflowing.
There are some inaccuracies in the NIV (read about them here) so I can’t fully endorse the version, especially as a study Bible, but for now this easy-to-read NIV, paired with this new FREE Bible Reading Sheet, is exactly what my soul needs.
While I do wish this Bible came in my favorite NASB version, I am so looking forward to breaking out my KJV Homeschool Mom’s Bible in 2017 and inhaling the rich prose and language on those pages as well.
PS These Bibles normally retail for $49.99 each but I just noticed they’re on sale for $14.99 and $19.99!
Coming up next Monday is a post about books that helped me break away from a crazy busy lifestyle. It’s the perfect book list for all women, not just moms, so you’ll definitely want to sign up so you don’t miss it! Also be sure to read part 1 about filling your cup even when the to-do list isn’t complete. And on August 8th there will be a post all about how to care for yourself without being selfish.
Homeschool Moms, I’d love to hear – what books have filled your cup?
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