My Horribly Embarrassing Hostessing Moments {And Why I Still Invite People Over}
Game night with friends is wrapping up and nearly everyone else has gone upstairs. Noticing food remnants on the carpet, I drag the vacuum cleaner from its spot in the closet and plug it in. When I glance up, I notice one guest is still lingering nearby, seemingly unsure of what he should be doing. Always the problem solver, I decide to help out so I hand the vacuum cleaner to him then skip off to throw away the paper plates.
After his family is on their way home and my children are snug in their beds, it occurs to me that I probably shouldn’t have given the vacuum cleaner to company. I text my friend and apologize for my painfully embarrassing lack of etiquette towards her husband. They’re gracious to me and get a good laugh out of it but I desperately want to erase the event from our memories.
And I add, “Do not hand a vacuum cleaner to your guests unless they specifically ask to vacuum the carpet” to my mental hostess check-list.
Along with, “Make sure the hand towel does not smell like wet dog.” And, “If you invite someone over, make sure you’re actually home when they arrive.”
Some people can learn through others’ mistakes. I, on the other hand, usually have to embarrass myself or get into a huge bind before things finally click. The good news? The more any of us practice something, the better we’ll get!
So I want to encourage you – invite your friends over. Be willing to laugh at yourself when you do something horribly in-etiquette. Rest in knowing that a true friend will overlook your faux pas. Take comfort in knowing that Jesus always loves you anyways – every imperfect, quirky part.
Is your house clean? Invite the guests! Is your house messy? Invite them anyways! Yes, make sure there’s room at the table to eat. Go ahead and Clorox the grossness off the toilet or shove the toys in a corner, but don’t worry about every tiny detail. People live in your home. It’s okay to not be perfect.
But whatever you do, please don’t hand your guests a vacuum cleaner unless they ask for one 😉
I’d love to hear: What embarrassing hostess things have you done? Let’s laugh together in the comments!
- Pushing the “Reset” button on your house
- How to fake a clean house
- Balancing work & play with a home blessing hour
- How to quickly declutter the top 3 problem areas in your home
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