Duck Dynasty – Hate Speech or Free Speech?
I know I don’t usually talk about politics, but today I decided it’s time to use my voice.
By now most of us have heard that Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson has been fired from the show. The reason? When asked what sin is, he mentioned homosexuality. Some people were very angry, accused him of hate speech, and demanded that A&E do something about it.
Personally, I find this quite ironic. Phil Robertson is being hated on by people accusing him of hate speech. Last I checked, the word for that is hypocrite.
How is it that in a culture full of tolerance and love all around, the one thing that isn’t tolerated is Christianity?
We’re asked to accept customs from other religions and beliefs in schools but can’t even mention the Bible.
On television, homosexual relationships have been portrayed as the norm, when in fact they’re the minority (about 3.8%). Why? Do TV networks do this so they can be politically correct? For who? Everyone but Christians?
The people who are screaming in outrage at the “injustice” of Phil’s “Hate Speech” are the very people who are crying out against Christianity. Isn’t that a hate speech of it’s own?
Things like this concern me.
We stand silently by, some of us apathetic, many of us unsure how to help, and we hope and pray for the best. But, we do nothing. It’s time for us to seriously think about the future. If we don’t start to take a stand, then our children are going to have a a very difficult time trying to teach others about God. If we simply watch helplessly, our children, or maybe even our friends, could be thrown into jail for hosting Bible Studies. And this isn’t just about our lives. It’s about souls and eternity.
“He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.” John 12:25-26 (NKJV)
It’s time that Christians stop being the silent majority and start standing up for our beliefs. We can choose to stop watching A&E, we can write to Phil and his family to let them know we support them standing by their beliefs, we can pull our kids out of public schools, and we can give a few of our hard earned dollars to show our support to companies we value (Chick-Fil-A, anyone?).
Call me drastic if you want, but until we start taking drastic measures, nothing will improve.
What about you? What ideas do you have for standing up for what you believe in?
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