Dear homeschool parents whose kids are still in the books
I’m so excited to have a recent guest post article at The Homeschool Post! Here’s a snippet:
It’s that time of year again! Many families are finished with textbooks until August, free for the summer and catching up on sleep.
But not you. You’re still trying to fit in the last of the spelling and history lessons even though you’re pretty sure your kids are barely learning a thing. Their eyes have glazed over as they stare out the window and resist your efforts.
The frustration is mounting and you’re probably analyzing the entire year trying to figure out exactly what you could have done differently in order to have made sure your kids finished “on time.”
How do I know this? Because I’ve been there – one year we didn’t finish school until July and only had a seven week break before we had to start again. By the following summer, we were all so burnt out that I decided never again.
Based on my own experience, I’d like to suggest something that may sound outrageously absurd to you. I want you to consider wrapping up for the summer even if all of the textbooks aren’t complete.
Think about it: When you were in school, how many textbooks did you ever go through from start to finish, reading every word or answering every question without skipping a single lesson?
Zero? I thought so.
Now, I’m not suggesting laziness. I’m not implying that we shouldn’t strive for excellence or completion. I’m merely trying to say that it may be time to ease up, just a bit, on the schedule.
Here are some ways I responsibly finished this school year without making my children…
Go here to read the rest of the article.
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