Cleaning Inspiration

Dear Messy Housekeeper {There is Hope for Your Home}: 5 Tips from a Fellow Mess-Maker

Dear Messy Housekeeper, I know what your house looks like right now. Yesterday’s dishes aren’t rinsed, there are crumbs and toys on the living room floor, and laundry is everywhere except the drawers. Scrubbing the slightly slimy bathtub isn’t even on your radar because first you’d have to toss the mostly empty shampoo bottles and…


3 Simple Housekeeping Tips to Inspire Busy Parents

After I unburied myself from my messes, I promised that I’d help others dig out from under their clutter, too. But sometimes that’s hard. Because clutter isn’t always just about a messy room. Clutter is often a symptom of something much deeper. Childhood loss, financial strain, deeply-ingrained habits, depression, chronic illness, and marital stress are…