Self Care is Not Selfish

Five Minute Goal

I recently made a goal to write every day, and I’ve already completely missed five days. A few of the other days I just grabbed my journal and spent a few minutes scribbling down whatever was on my mind. A couple of years ago, I would have been upset with myself and gotten discouraged for missing days, and…

Imperfect Beauty

When I look in my backyard right now, I see grass in desperate need of mowing. My children, however, see wildflowers waiting to be picked. Don’t we do that with ourselves, as well as our things? Too often, we focus in on the imperfections. The thing is, beauty is always there, around us, and within…

Finding Energy

Last week I mentioned that I view my energy as a rechargeable battery. (Read that post here.) If you’re often low on energy, I also recommend reading this five-part series about 15 Ways to Have More Energy by Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom. From drinking water and making sleep a priority, to wrapping our…


I’ve recently learned to view my energy as a rechargeable battery. Some things drain my battery, and other things recharge it. Getting enough sleep recharges my energy battery. Reading and writing recharge. Going to large gatherings where I don’t know very many people drains it. (Can you tell that I’m a bit of an introvert?)…

Yes, We Can

What’s stopping us from being more intentional with our lives? I know that sometimes we’re too scared, or too tired, or too busy, or too uninspired, or… the list goes on and on, but… We only have one shot at life – let’s make the most of the days we’re blessed with! Maybe yesterday was a bad…