Book Review: Frumps to Pumps
In 28 Days to Timeliness, I confessed that I love to stay in pj’s all day when I’m not going anywhere.
It was so bad that when I decided to start getting dressed every morning, my three year old daughter Grace would ask, “Mom, are you going anywhere?” In fact, our new routine is new enough that she still asks that as I’m getting ready for the day.
My children adopted this pajama habit as well, so trying to make them get dressed in the morning when we had somewhere to go was a continual battle. So, when I heard about the eBook Frumps to Pumps by Sarah Mae, I decided to read it.
I also enlisted Lily and Grace to go through the challenge with me. We’ve been reading the book together, and have been making it a point to be dressed and ready for the day by 9:00 a.m., whether we’re going anywhere or not.
Lily and Grace love this book as much as I do. The first day I read it to them, Lily (age 7) exclaimed, “That sounds just like our family!”
I’m going to admit that when I first started the Frumps to Pumps challenge, I didn’t want to “waste” my nice clothes, so I’d put on older jeans and a t-shirt then barely put on any make-up. I’d spend the day (especially Mondays) day-dreaming about getting back into my pajamas.
Then I decided to try it Sarah’s way. I don’t go all out with the pumps (I’m more of a cute flats or boots girl), but I started getting dressed in my nicer clothes – even on Mondays – and the difference has been fantastic!
My goal is to be dressed for 12 hours each day (9am-9pm), and since starting this challenge, I feel better, I look better, I’m more productive, and I don’t panic when the doorbell rings.
Leaving the house in a timely manner has also become much easier because Lily and Grace are developing the habit of getting ready for the day shortly after they wake up each morning.
Frumps to Pumps is available on Kindle and PDF for just $4.99.
Click here to purchase the PDF version.
Click here to purchase the Kindle edition.
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