Beautifying the Craft Room
Hi! I’m Laura from Peace but Not Quiet, where I blog about kids’ activities, organization tips, recipes, and other things to make life in a busy family a little easier. I think my biggest organizing project to date was when the kids and I purged their toys (all of them!)
Thanks, Davonne, for inviting me to be here sharing a few tips with readers! Today, we’re talking craft rooms.
A reader sent in these pictures of her craft room and wrote:
“I know part of my problem is just TOO MUCH STUFF. I tend to buy things that I feel I could use to create something out of. That stuff piles up, and since the cabinets are full, it spills over onto the counters and floor space. I do craft in there quite often, but then I have to clear a spot and dig for things that I need. It’s one of those areas in my house that nobody else uses. When we have company, I just close the door. Do you think there is a better system to organize this mess? How much craft stuff is too much?” *Avril
*Name has been changed to protect the messy.
Laura’s advice
I know just how you feel, sister. Part of the problem with being able to make anything cute with a little crafty imagination is that we can’t pass anything up! And when stuff is on sale, we grab it even if we don’t need it right then because you just never know.
But your time, your energy, and your peace of mind have value, too. It’s okay to pass up a great deal for something you don’t need.
So — let’s get started!
1.) Set aside some time — it’s probably going to take the good part of a day to organize. I’d also enlist a friend or sister or someone who will be honest with you and help you get rid of stuff. Go treat yourselves to Starbucks or something beforehand, put on some music, and work together to clear up the mess.
2.) Figure out what to keep — get rid of anything with broken parts. Get rid of any scraps from projects you’ve already finished (I know you can use scraps — but will you? Probably not). Get rid of any materials you haven’t used in a year (I promise you — even if you go back and buy more when you need it, the peace of mind you have in the meantime is worth the money!). Get rid of anything you have that you don’t have a project in mind for.
3.) Donate — it always makes me feel better to know my stuff isn’t just going to waste, it’s going to someone else who will actually use it! You can donate things in good condition to thrift stores, but what about local high school home ec programs (yes, they still have those!)? Or a women’s shelter where women are learning life skills?
4.) Make it pretty — most of my craft area is organized with thrifted or recycled items — like these jam jars:
I’ve noticed if I buy one or two new, pretty things I’m less likely to let my space get messy because I like it so much! I got this box at Joann’s Fabrics:
but I also love Martha Stewart’s line at Staples:
You don’t need much — just one or two new things to get you excited about your space. Also, bring in a candle, and maybe some framed printables (I love this one) or vintage sewing patterns. You could also print one of these adorable free craft printables and use frames you already have! Just something to make your spot special.
{Note from Davonne: Remember to shop your house first! Check out this article about fast and free storage solutions!}
5.) Unexpected storage — I notice there are a lot of cabinets in this space. The shelving in the cabinets offers great storage (I’d put materials in bins and boxes so you can pull out whatever bin you need without messing up everything else inside). But you can also use the cabinet doors — cut down a shoe organizer and use it for ribbons or crafting tools:
Or install some shelving to the side and store buttons and colorful supplies out in the open where they can be part of the decor. I hung my knitting needles on the wall because they kept getting tangled when they were in a basket.
For more inspiration, here are the details on my craft area, and a few others:
20 Craft Room Inspiration Ideas from Lil’ Luna (I love the colorful peg board idea!)
Craft Room Tour from Uncommon Designs
Craft Room Wall from Craft-O-Maniac
Good luck, Avril! I’d love to know how it turns out!
PS Don’t forget that if you submit your own mess by October 30th, you’ll receive a free copy of Chaos to Clutter-Free, plus you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! Details and submission information are here.
About today’s organizational expert
Laura is a mom of four kids under 12. She’s passionate about getting them outdoors and learning stuff (even when they don’t realize it!), and about sharing tips that make life easier for busy families. You can follow along with her at Peace but Not Quiet, and find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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