Top Ten Most Popular Posts on My Blog in 2017!
Happy 2018, friends! I love the freshness of January and winter snow. (Even though in Northeastern Kentucky, most of the snow I see is often from other people’s Instagram photos!) There’s just something about a clean slate that’s so refreshing and invigorating.
Like past years (2015 & 2016, plus 2014 and earlier), I’m sharing the most popular posts of the year with you. But this time I’m sharing the 10 most viewed articles of 2017, whether they were written in 2017 or much earlier. If you missed any, be sure to check them out!
10. Davonne’s Live Declutter
I offered a huge peek into my house as I live-blogged about my full home declutter project in 2015. This series included before and after photos, updates about how long I spent organizing, a run-down of how much stuff I got rid of, and plenty of motivation and encouragement for you to declutter your own home!
Go here to see, real-time, how I decluttered my entire house from start to finish.
9. Why I Unfriended Every Single One of My Facebook Friends
Judging from the comments, something many people missed – and perhaps something I missed as well – is that the article isn’t just about how many friends we have on Facebook.
This article is about choosing real life over a rectangular screen, and choosing time with our kids over frittering away the hours. Is all screen-time bad? No! But is it something we should evaluate and check our motive on? Absolutely.
8. How to Tame Your Laundry Monster
There are several ways to tame the laundry monster, but here are the methods that work best for me when I’m behind:
First, I focus on my heart issue. When there are mountains of laundry all over the place, am I thankful that my family is blessed with plenty of clothes to wear or am I annoyed about the laundry work? I can choose thankfulness.
Then I either… {Go here to read how to catch up on laundry when you’re behind}
7. When Your House is Just too Small
I repeatedly hear questions about how to organize a small space. This article answers one reader’s specific questions and offers encouragement about staying organized in a small home, so if you’ve ever been frustrated about the size of your home, I recommend taking a look at this article.
Go hear if you want to feel inspired to embrace a small home.
6. How to Organize School Papers and Other Childhood Mementos
Whether your kids are homeschooled, enrolled in public or private school, attend day care, or just scribble in a notebook, there is likely a plethora of paper in your home.
In this article, I offer a few specific solutions for organizing and purging those papers.
Go here to read fresh ideas for organizing school papers and other childhood mementos.
5. 22 Themed Gift Ideas for Everyone on Your List
Written specifically for Christmas, but good for anytime you need to purchase a gift, this list is sure to inspire you to think of fun, clutter-free (and affordable!) gifts for anyone on your list!
4. Pinterest Organization
I resisted Pinterest for quite awhile because I thought it would become a time-waster for me, just like Facebook had. Once I realized that I could use it to help me keep my thoughts organized, though, I decided to give it a try and I don’t think I’ll ever go back!
Check out a few ways I use my Pinterest account to help me stay organized.
3. When Your Spouse is Mad About the Messy House
Anyone who has married for more than a few months has probably felt at least a little tension about household chores.
I want to encourage you to set aside a little time to intentionally work on figuring out a reasonable chore routine with your spouse. Pray for an opportune time to do this, and ask God to help you and your spouse have clear, open minds as you work together to create unity about housework.
Find out 5 Ways to Create Peace About Chores in Your Marriage.
2. Free Printable: Snowman Soup Poem
Apparently my family isn’t the only family who has fun making snowman soup! This simple printable is a fun and frugal “recipe” that’s perfect for holiday parties, wintertime treats, and other fun cold-weather events.
1. How I Decluttered My Entire House in Six Days
Coming in at number 1 for nearly every week since I published it in 2014 is an article about how I decluttered my entire house in just 6 days.
If I had any idea this post was going to be so popular, I would have taken better photos or written something more profound. But maybe that’s why you like it. It’s real and it’s imperfect, but it shows that decluttering doesn’t have to be glamorous.
Go here to see how I decluttered my entire home in six days.
P.S. Some fun things that are coming soon:
- The Chore War: Biblical and Practical Guidance for Winning the Battle Together video course (this is for the mom who’s ever felt like kids + chores = battle)
- FREE resources to help you organize your home in 2018
- Top 10 Favorite books I read in 2017
- Three of my books are coming out on paperback this winter!
{Subscribe or join the Tidy-Up club so you’ll be the one of the first to know when the 2018 items are available!}
I’d love to hear – what have you read this year that’s left you feeling motivated, inspired, or encouraged?
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