Our Sunday is Coming
This week has been a whirl-wind. I’m tired, my kids are tired, my house is a bit of a mess, and I’m not completely sure if everyone has enough clean clothes for the weekend.
But, yet, I hope. I wait.
I went to a Ladies Day event in November and one of the speakers talked about the book “Plan B.” The lady who spoke has gone through (and is still going through) some really tough stuff. Her story is a long one, and it’s her story to tell, but she said something that really stuck with me. I don’t remember which part is from her and which part is from this book, but here’s what I remember:
Life doesn’t always go as planned, and it’s easy to stay strong at the beginning of a difficult situation. It’s easy to say that we can get through this. But as time goes on, we grow weary and discouraged.
When Jesus was crucified on the cross, that scene looked like chaos. Complete and utter chaos. It felt so desperate, so dark, so hopeless. There was so much grief and agony, so many people saying, “Why, God? How could this happen?” What they didn’t know was that Sunday was right around the corner. Jesus was about to raise from the dead – He was about to overcome death. They just couldn’t see forward to their Sunday on that chaotic Friday.
Often when we’re at our most discouraged, when we’re so weary that we’re ready to give up, what we don’t know is that our Sunday is right around the corner. Maybe it’s a game to Satan – he enjoys getting us to stumble right before our Sunday comes so that he can laugh while we say, “If I only knew that my Sunday was right around the corner, I could have held on just a little bit longer. If only I knew.”
When you feel so weary that you don’t think you can go like this on any longer, know that your Sunday is almost here. It’s so close. And it will be beautiful.
I’ve thought about what that person said during her speech, and it has helped me so much when I think that I just can’t wait another day. I remind myself, My Sunday is coming. It’s almost here. I just need to hold on a little longer.
And I can wait.
I know your Sunday will be here soon as well. And it will be beautiful.
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