Davonne’s Live Declutter
I’m so excited to offer a huge peek into my house as I live-blog about my full home declutter project this winter!
What you can expect to see in this series:
- Before & After Photos. Because who doesn’t love to be inspired by a transformed room?!
- Time & Stuff Breakdowns. I’m adding up the hours spent decluttering & the number of bags I get rid of.
- Realness.While I’d really prefer for everyone to think I have a perfect house, this world needs honesty, not perfection. So I’m opening my home and inviting you into my mess!
- Updates! Regardless of whether I meet – or miss – my goals, I plan to post updates about this project each week.
- Motivation. I hope this series will inspire, encourage, and motivate you to organize your own home!
- A vlog to two! That is, if I get brave enough to talk to a camera 🙂
What you shouldn’t expect from this series:
- A magic formula. Cleaning isn’t always fun! There’s no magic wand. No fairy godmother. Just old-fashioned hard work.
- How-to articles. This series is more for inspiration than anything else. I very specifically cover the how-to part of decluttering in my eBook, Chaos to Clutter-Free, so make sure to read that if you need help with knowing how to declutter your home.
Pretty simple, right? And now that you know what to expect, you can go here to see all of my live declutter posts, or you can click on any of the titles below:
Preparing our Hearts for Decluttering:
Part 1: The most important thing to remember in 2015 (hint: it isn’t organization)
Part 2: Why I’m decluttering my entire house again (plus info about the secret Get Organized Facebook group!)
Declutter Projects I’ve Finished:
Day 1: Getting a head start on the school & toy room
Days 2-5: Preparing my home for a full declutter project
Days 6-8: My house is READY!!! (Part 2 of preparing my home for a declutter project)
Day 9: Kids’ room & living room
Days 10 & 11: When decluttering feels too hard (and master bedroom update)
Days 12 & 13: Yes. It was that bad (Master bedroom & kitchen)
Days 14 & 15: What you didn’t know about cleaning (with kitchen update)
Days 16 & 17: Top 10 ways to make cleaning more fun (plus the school/toy room reveal!)
Day 18: Why I’m okay about not meeting my January goals (storage closet, bathroom, and basement update)
Day 19: Why I stopped waiting for perfect (Nathan’s spare closet is done!)
Day 20: FINAL PROJECT – The Laundry Room! (EDITED TO ADD: Friends, I never wrote an update about my laundry room – I am SO sorry! But I don’t want to leave you completely hanging, so here are the two laundry room updates from the previous year: 30 minute laundry room declutter, and storage area organization tips.)
Are you excited to get started? I know I have been! And if you’d like to see details about another completed home-declutter project, then make sure to check out this article about how I decluttered my entire house in six days last year!
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